If you are a private lender who is seeking new ways to build wealth, today on the Rules of Thumb blog MoneyThumb has some great resources to offer you.
Our first resource is a collection of advice pieces from an article at Forbes.com. The wealth-building strategies offered in that article come from members of an elite group of entrepreneurs and CEOs called The Oracles. Just a few of the members of that group are the famous billionaires Richard Branson, Jay Leno, and Shaquille O'Neil.
The Forbes.com article offers investment advice for building wealth from 7 of the Oracles. We have listed those 7 gems below:
- Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank says to invest in real estate in up-and-coming neighborhoods.
- Thomas Carter, founder, and CEO of DealBox, Inc, suggest investors know their reasons 'why' before investing.
- Ken Lebovic, president of North Shore Holdings, suggest renting out residential real estate.
- John Hanna, the author of the book, Way of the Wealthy, tells readers to time the market.
- Mark Bloom, President at NetWorth Realty, ranked by Glassdoor among the "Best Places to Work" for two consecutive years, says when it comes to purchasing real estate you should make your money on the buy. Some people falsely believe they will make their money on the flip, but he suggests you not bank on that.
- Peter Hernandez, the founder of Teles Properties, says you should do your homework then follow your gut.
- Nik Halik, angel investor, entrepreneur, astronaut, extreme adventurer, founder, and CEO of 5 Day Weekend®, tells readers to apply the Kaizen principle to your cash flow. “Kaizen” is a Japanese word that means the process of continual improvement. Apply this principle to your cash flow by increasing your income by a minimum of three percent each month.
Those are some great pieces of investment advice for building wealth from members of The Oracles. You can read the full article here.
The second resource MoneyThumb would like to offer our blog readers today with investment tips on building wealth is a free Livestream event from the famous author of Rich Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. The free webinar is titled 7 Secrets to Winning the Wealth Game.
The event takes place this Thursday, October 10, 2019. Follow this link to register. Below is a short description of what all you will learn during the Livestream event:
- The best way to truly learn how to be a successful investor
- Strategies ordinary people can use to win the wealth game
- The secret to investing for cash flow – and pay less tax (or none)
- How you can overcome fear and anxiety to achieve your goals
- The way to acquire assets if you want to get rich
- How to create a personal plan to get out of the rat race
Rarely will you find a successful private lender who is not also a serious investor and is always seeking new ways of wealth-building. Hopefully, the resources the MoneyThumb team has offered here will help you as a private lender to increase your wealth so that you can make even more loans to deserving borrowers.
We also want you to know that MoneyThumb has a PDF financial file converter especially designed for lenders. This tool converts the bank statements of prospective borrowers for faster and more informed loan decisions.
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